Volume 07 Issue 12 December 2024
Donald L. Buresh, Ph.D., Esq.
Morgan State University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i12-83Google Scholar Download Pdf
This paper discusses five topics: FinTech, self-regulating organizations, autonomous finance, self-sovereign identity, and micro-investment. In the first section, FinTech is defined, and FinTech use cases are described. The second section, which deals with self-regulating entities, defines the notion and highlights the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. The third section concerns autonomous finance, where it is defined, its adoption by the financial world, its relationship with consumers, and the regulatory challenges with autonomous finance are evaluated. The fourth section addresses self-sovereign identity, where it is defined, various use cases are outlined, existing data breaches, and how to mitigate such regulatory risks. The final section discusses micro-investment, including its definition and characteristics, how micro-investment can be a long-term investment strategy, and how micro-investment can be a viable strategy for retirement planning. The article concludes by pointing out that although these topics are burning issues in finance, they are also replete with advantages and disadvantages of their own.
KEYWORDS:Autonomous Finance • Fintech • Micro-Investment • Self-Regulating Organizations • Self-Sovereign Identity
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