Volume 07 Issue 12 December 2024
1Yonisha Sumual, 2Jadmiko Anom Husodo, 3Anti Mayastuti
1,2,3Master Of Kenotariatan Faculty Of Law, University Sebelas Maret
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i12-84Google Scholar Download Pdf
The notary supervisory board is a body that has the authority and obligation carry out guidance and supervision of notaries, regulated in Law Number 2 of 2014 concerning the Notary Position. The supervisory board also has the authority to examine violations of the notary position and code of ethics. The formulation of the problems raised in this research includes, how the authority of the notary supervisory panel in alleged violations of the code of ethics based on Decision Number: M.03/Pts/Mj.PWN Prov Riau/09/ 2023. The research method uses a type of normative legal research, with a statutory approach and a case approach. The results of the study concluded that the notary supervisory board has exercised its authority in accordance with the Notary Position Law and Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights Number 15 of 2020 concerning Procedures for Supervisory Board Examination of Notaries in prosecuting violations of the code of ethics based on decision Number M.03/Pts/Mj.PWN Prov Riau/09/ 2023, namely that a supervisory board has been formed to examine violations of the notary position and code of ethics with a lined scope of work, namely the regional examining board, regional examining board and central examining board, issuing examination results by imposing sanctions on notaries in the form of administrative sanctions in the form of the first written warning.
KEYWORDS:Notary Supervisory Council,Authority,Violation Of The Code Of Ethics.
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