Volume 07 Issue 12 December 2024
1Ma. Christina B. Britania, 2Dr. Nathalie Ann A. Acosta
1Samar National School, Catbalogan City, Samar, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i12-87Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study investigates the efficacy of metacognitive awareness instruction on enhancing reading comprehension proficiency among secondary students. A quasi-experimental design was employed, involving Grade 10 students located one of the country side schools in Samar. The experimental group (n=20) received metacognitive instruction, while the control group (n=20) did not. Pretest-posttest measurements assessed baseline and post-intervention reading comprehension levels. Data collection utilized standardized questionnaires on reading habits and the Metacognitive Awareness Reading Strategy Inventory (MARSI). Descriptive statistics provided insights into data characteristics, while inferential statistics (paired-samples z-tests, independent-samples z-tests) assessed within-group and between-group differences. Results indicated improved reading habits in both groups post-intervention, but less significant changes in metacognitive reading skills. Recommendations include continued emphasis on metacognitive strategies in instruction, tailored interventions addressing specific weaknesses, and further research on alternative instructional approaches. This study contributes to the literature on enhancing reading comprehension proficiency through metacognitive awareness instruction.
KEYWORDS:Metacognitive awareness, reading comprehension, secondary students, instructional strategies
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