Volume 07 Issue 12 December 2024
1Amalia Indah Safitri, 2Sri Nur Hari Susanto
1Master of Law Student, Diponegoro University, Semarang.
2Lecturer at the Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University, Semarang.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i12-90Google Scholar Download Pdf
Indonesia is rich in natural resources. One of the important components on the face of the earth island, so land disputes often occur, whether between individuals, companies, or between citizens and the government. The State Administrative Court has the authority to examine and process cases related or disputes that occur between the community and the government, one of which is land disputes. The many problems related to overlapping land rights have certainly resulted in land cases handled by State Administrative Court becoming increasingly complex. State Administrative Court has absolute competence in land disputes, namely resolving disputes related to the truth of physical and legal data, including constitutive decisions. In abstracto, the problem of executing State Administrative Court decisions lies in the norms that provide regulation. This can be seen from the lack of legal certainty in Article 116 law of the State Administrative Court. In addition, the body and/or government officials are reluctant to carry it out due to self-interest responses or external factors that may occur due to intervention
KEYWORDS:Execution, State Administrative Court Decision, Land Dispute
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