Volume 07 Issue 12 December 2024
Thi Thao Dang
International School of Banking Academy, Banking Academy of Vietnam
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i12-96Google Scholar Download Pdf
With international collaborative training programs being the most notable activity, internationalization in higher education is an unavoidable tendency in the current globalization scenario. Among the many advantages this trend offers universities is an improvement in their standing in national, regional, and worldwide rankings, which draws in foreign students and elevates Vietnamese colleges. Universities must prioritize guaranteeing training quality, providing students with real-world advantages, and closely examining the effects on the administration of these collaborative programs if they hope to preserve and raise their rankings. The paper analyzes the trend of Internationalization, comprehensiveness in higher education, experiences of countries universities in English speaking countries from which to give suggestions/ responsiveness for Vietnamese universities in developing higher education in this trend.
KEYWORDS:Internationalization, comprehensiveness, higher education, Vietnamese universities responsiveness
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