April 2024

Volume 07 Issue 04 April 2024
Improve the Quality of Practical Professional Activities at K12-schools of Pedagogical Teachers and Students Majoring in Primary Education in Professional Oriented Higher Education
1Huong Le Thi Thu, 2Duong Lam Thuy, 3Ha Nguyen Thi Thu, 4Vinh Nguyen Huy
1,2,3,4Thai Nguyen University of Education, Faculty of Primary Education, Vietnam
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i04-21

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The article focuses on researching and affirming the role of practical professional activities of lecturers and students as an important content in the applied Professional Oriented Higher Education (POHE) at pedagogical universities. This activity creates opportunities for lecturers and students to connect the knowledge and skills taught and learned in university with the practice of primary school education, but also to develop a primary school teacher training curriculum. It also supports primary schools in developing professional capacity for teachers. This is further confirmed through the analysis of the time, duration, goals, content, evaluation method, and organizational form of professional practical activities between the University of Education, Thai Nguyen University (TNUE). From there, the article proposes a number of recommendations to improve the quality of practical and professional activities of lecturers and students majoring in Primary Education at pedagogical universities.


Professional practical activities, Primary Education, pedagogical lecturers, pedagogical students, POHE (Professional Oriented Higher Education)

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Volume 07 Issue 04 April 2024

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