September 2024

Volume 07 Issue 09 September 2024
Information Gathering in Conflict Situations in North-East Nigeria
1Akanji, T.A., 2Olatokun, W.M., 3Agbaje, F.I., 4Eselebor, W., 5Bello, T.Y, 6Yusuf, 7O.L Ishola, A.V.
1,2,3,4University of Ibadan, Nigeria
5Koladaisi University, Ibadan, Nigeria
6Lagos State University, Nigeria
7University of Ibadan

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The North-East of Nigeria has been bedevilled with security challenges ranging from farmers-herders conflict to terrorism. These conflicts have increasingly threatened lives, economy and livelihood in the region. The lack of adequate and timely information has exacerbated threat thresholds. Extant studies have identified a dearth in intelligence gathering and a corresponding ineffectiveness of the information gathering chain. This gap has been underscored by incidences experienced in the North-East region of Nigeria. Engaging secondary sources of data, majorly through literature search, the paper posits that information gathering in the North-East of Nigeria is a four-tier function which resonates around the local population, the non-governmental organisations (NGO)/Civil Society Organisations (CSO), the media and the Government. The challenges bedevilling effective information gathering were identified. The paper concludes and recommends that there is a need for synergy between the media, INGOs/NGOs, the Government and the local population and, to calibrate information gathering with action in North-East Nigeria.


Security, Information-gathering, Conflict, Northeast Nigeria

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Volume 07 Issue 09 september 2024

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