Volume 08 Issue 01 January 2025
1Johar Permana, 2Anisa Isti Yuslimah
1,2Indonesia University of Education
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v8-i1-02Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study aims to analyze the role of principals’ transformational leadership in developing a positive and happy school culture. A qualitative literature review method was employed, focusing on scholarly articles published from 2019 to 2024. The findings reveal that transformational leadership significantly impacts teachers’ motivation, job satisfaction, and performance by fostering a supportive work environment. It highlights the importance of inspirational leadership, which enhances collaboration, innovation, and overall well-being within the school community. Moreover, transformational leadership was found to indirectly contribute to a positive and happy school culture through improved professional relationships and reduced stress among educators. The discussion emphasizes that principals adopting transformational leadership inspire staff development and establish an inclusive culture that promotes collective happiness and productivity. Transformational leadership not only addresses immediate organizational challenges but also cultivates long-term sustainability in school culture. This study highlights the essential role of transformational leadership in creating a conducive educational environment and provides practical insights for school leaders to enhance teachers' well-being and happiness, which will impact the overall educational process in schools.
KEYWORDS:Organizational Culture, Positive and Happy Culture, School Principal, Transformational Leadership
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