Volume 08 Issue 01 January 2025
1Indra Jaya Rukmana, 2Bintang Roy Tambunan, 3Bina Impola Sitohang,4Dr. Darwati, S.H., M.H
1,2,3Student, Magister of Law, Borobudur University, Jakarta
4Lecturer, Faculty of Law, Borobudur University, Jakarta
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v8-i1-27Google Scholar Download Pdf
Comparative criminal law is an attempt to compare various legal systems, whether between nations, states or religions. The aim is to find differences and similarities between the systems, by providing research-based explanations of how the law functions and how juridical problems are solved in practice. In addition, non-legal factors that may have an influence will also be examined. A deeper understanding of this can only be gained through the study of legal history, so the science of comparative law requires the analysis of legal history. The benefits of comparative law include a better understanding of legal codification at national, regional and international levels. In addition, it helps in the harmonization of laws between international conventions and national laws. Comparative law is also important for determining general principles of law, especially for judges in international courts. These principles are essential for establishi ng general principles of law which are an important source of international law. The object of legal comparison in this research is the legal system or policy in countries that have more than one legal system, in this case, Indonesia, England and the Netherlands, which is carried out by comparing laws relating to the settlement of criminal cases outside the court
KEYWORDS:Comparative, Law, Criminal
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