Volume 08 Issue 01 January 2025
1Dr. Claudio-Rafael Vasquez-Martinez, 2Dr. Francisco Flores-Cuevas, 3Dr. Carlos Quiroz-Lima
1,2,3University of Guadalajara Av. Universidad 203. Zip Code 48280. Puerto Vallarta, Jal. Instituto Tecnológico José Mario Molina Pasquely Enriquez. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v8-i1-31Google Scholar Download Pdf
This paper reports a evaluation study of the effect of involvement in Socioeducational observations for distance education on the way that teachers think about their own pedagogic practice education. The study involved a comparison of two groups from the same regions; the first group comprised teachers who were enrolled in distance education programmes in higher education, and the second group of teachers who had not had any university education. The study sought to detect differences between these two groups in the way they thought about pedagogy, and how, as a result, they confronted their own pedagogic practice education for present synergy.
KEYWORDS:socioeducational, evaluation, distance education, pedagogic thought, teachers education
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