Volume 08 Issue 01 January 2025
1Rizky Fauzan, 2Ekhsan, 3Irfani Hendri
1,2,3Doctoral Study Program in Management Sciences Faculty of Economics and Business, Tanjungpura University Pontianak
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v8-i1-44Google Scholar Download Pdf
Nearly all firms now consider human resources to be a crucial tool for raising the caliber of their goods and services due to the growing complexity of commercial rivalry. One significant aspect that is thought to have an impact on the best possible collection of zakat funds from muzaki is innovation capability, government assistance, and work performance. The limited participation and awareness of the muzaki to distribute zakat, infaq, and shadaqah indicates that the performance of collecting zakat funds has not been optimal, despite the digital innovation connected to zakat socialization and BAZNAS fundraising. This issue is thought to have been exacerbated by low employee involvement, poor organizational citizenship behavior, a lack of government assistance, and a limited capacity for innovation. A stratified random method was used to choose 284 samples from a population of 580 West Kalimantan BAZNAS personnel for this study, which employs a correlational method with a quantitative approach. SEM-PLS is used for data analysis. The study's findings demonstrate that, either directly or indirectly, work engagement significantly improves organizational citizenship behavior and job performance. Despite its importance, perception of government support is ineffective as a moderating factor in the link between job performance and perceptions of innovation capability. Implication: By offering fresh perspectives on how both internal and external elements affect an organization's efficacy, these findings add to the body of knowledge on zakat management and non-profits. Furthermore, these findings highlight the need for managerial and theoretical revisions, especially when considering the effectiveness of government support as a moderating factor. Limitations: This study is restricted to a particular organizational and geographic setting, namely BAZNAS in Kalimantan Province West, and excludes other potentially significant factors like leadership or organizational culture. Furthermore, cross-time research restricts the capacity to detect trends over time or draw conclusions about causality.
KEYWORDS:government support, innovation performance, OCB, and involvement.
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