Volume 08 Issue 01 January 2025
1Kholis Nur Hidayat, 2Zainur Rofiq
1,2Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v8-i1-48Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study aims to analyze the improvement of the learning process, competencies achieved by students, and student learning outcomes in the implementation of the Conventional Lathe Machining Technique learning process with a sample of class XI TM 4 Mechanical Engineering Department of SMK Negeri 3 Yogyakarta through the treatment of implementing the Project-Based Learning learning model. This research uses the Classroom Action Research (CAR) method. This research will be conducted in two cycles; the first cycle will include one meeting, and the second cycle will consist of two sessions to evaluate learning to determine the learning process results. The cycle of PTK stages rotates from one cycle to the next. It begins with planning (plan), action (action), observation of the action taken, and reflection (reflection). The results showed that the quality of the learning process before being given action was only 48.33% still in the “Fair” category and the learning outcomes in pre-cycle activities the average student score was 66.51 with 18.75% classical completeness which was still relatively low. After the implementation of the project-based learning model, there was an increase in cycle I where the results of the observation of the learning process with a percentage of 75% were in the “Good” category and student learning outcomes also experienced an increase in the average student score of 78.86 with 75% classical completeness. Furthermore, in the learning process of cycle II, there was an increase with a percentage of 91.66% which was included in the “Very Good” category, and at the end of cycle II, the average score increased to 86.05 with classical completeness reaching 100%. Thus, student learning outcomes in cycle II have met the indicators set in this study, namely more than 75% of the students obtained scores above the minimum score, which is ≥ 76.00.
KEYWORDS:Classroom Action Research, Learning Outcomes, and Project-Based Learning
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