January 2025

Volume 08 Issue 01 January 2025
Exploring Research Attitudes and Capabilities: Hospitality and Tourism Management Students' Readiness for Academic Research
1Mafel A. Piol, 2Jose Cloyd Efe, 3Jorge Agner, 4James Montiadora Joyce Oriel, 5Melvin Paring, 6Jhanicka Ramirez, 7Sheilou Sacare, 8Virgilio Vicera, 9Stephen Villato
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9School of Management and Entrepreneurship, Biliran, Province State University, Naval Biliran Province Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v8-i1-53

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In today’s rapidly evolving hospitality and tourism industry, strong research skills are essential for students in Hospitality and Tourism Management programs. These skills enable students to analyze trends, solve industry-specific problems, and contribute to both academic and practical advancements. Despite the growing importance of research in these fields, there is a gap in understanding how well-prepared students feel and how capable they are at conducting research. Existing studies often generalize research skills across disciplines, but the unique challenges in hospitality and tourism demand specialized approaches. This study aims to address this gap by exploring the research attitudes and capabilities of Hospitality and Tourism Management students, with the goal of identifying areas for improvement and enhancing research training programs to better prepare students for future industry challenges and academic contributions.

This descriptive-comparative study examined the research attitudes and capabilities of third-year BSHM students at Biliran Province State University using stratified random sampling. A modified version of Papanastasiou’s (2005) 'Attitude Toward Research' Scale was used to assess research skills in crafting introductions and writing conclusions. Data from 100 students were analyzed through descriptive statistics and the Mann-Whitney U-test to identify significant differences in attitudes and capabilities. Ethical standards were maintained, ensuring confidentiality and voluntary participation through informed consent.

The majority of respondents rate the on-campus OJT as being moderately effective, with a mean score of 3.32 and a median level of satisfaction. It was found that their on-campus training experience had generally matched their satisfaction with gaining new knowledge and skills.

The analysis of third-year BSHM and BSTM students' research capabilities and attitudes reveals key differences. While both groups show competence in research, BSHM students are slightly more skilled in articulating study importance and defining research scope. BSHM students also have a more positive attitude towards research, viewing it as essential to their careers, while BSTM students are less enthusiastic. Statistical tests confirm these differences, highlighting the need for tailored educational strategies to improve research skills and foster a more positive attitude among BSTM students, ultimately better preparing them for success in hospitality and tourism management.


Biliran Province State University, Hospitality Management, Tourism Management, Research Attitudes,Research Capabilities, Research Skills

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Volume 08 Issue 01 January 2025

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