Volume 08 Issue 01 January 2025
1ADEWALE Adejumo Ezekiel, 2AKINDUTIRE Dennis Adebayo, 3AKINTARO Akintunde Olaoluwa
1,3Department of English and Literary Studies Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso
2University of Johannesburg, South Africa
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v8-i1-64Google Scholar Download Pdf
Ostranenie has been viewed by scholars as the concept of fluidity, distancing or defamiliarisation to address situation but this paper perceives it as a concept of reality that escapes character from shackles and monotony of life. The paper deploys Oever den Van Annie (2010) theory of Aesthetics which submits that aesthetic realm and function of art is to make man recover pains of/in life in the analysis of the text. Therefore, similar concepts that are synonymous to Ostranenie such are Enstrangement, Alienation, Verfrendungseffekts, Entfrendung, and defamiliarisation are used in the analysis. Therefore, confused state is explored in the Author’s Preface which serves as trajectory for Nawal El-Saadawi’s success to write this novel which serves as an antidote and a therapy to save women’s world and world at large. If not sacked as a leader in the health segment of government, she would not have been known and fulfilled as she was. Entfrendung as a similar concept as Ostranenie that distancing from people encourages human to achieve his purpose. Firdaus excuses herself from her uncle who submits that all men beat their wives including himself. As a prostitute, she employs ‘strangeness’ and tears money offered to her by Arab Prince. This ‘strangeness’ reveals that she has come to her senses that prostitution is against African belief. Hence, this paper uses Ostranenie as a concept of reality not just as art for art ’sake but as a strategy to survive from the hurdles and horror in life.
KEYWORDS:Ostranenie, Woman at Point Zero, Firdaus, Shklovsky, Strangeness Word Count: 245
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