Volume 08 Issue 01 January 2025
1Prof. Rogers Barigayomwe, Ph.D., 2Asiimwe Lillian
1,2Department of Development, Peace and Conflict Studies Kampala International University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v8-i1-66Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study investigates the effects of stakeholder perceptions and engagement on child rights protection in Mityana Municipality, Uganda. Grounded in a pragmatic philosophy, a mixed-methods approach was employed, involving both quantitative and qualitative data collection from a sample of 133 respondents drawn from a target population of 200. Findings reveal a strong positive correlation (Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.986) between stakeholder engagement and the effectiveness of child rights protection initiatives. While stakeholders recognize the importance of child rights, significant concerns emerged regarding the empowerment of parents and the collaboration among various stakeholders, which were rated as poor. The regression analysis indicates that approximately 97.1% of the variance in child rights protection can be explained by stakeholder perceptions and engagement, emphasizing the critical role of active involvement in improving outcomes. The study concludes that enhancing stakeholder engagement and addressing gaps in parental empowerment and collaboration are essential steps for effective child rights protection in Mityana Municipality.
KEYWORDS:Stakeholder perceptions, child rights protection, Mityana Municipality, community engagement, Uganda.
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