Volume 08 Issue 01 January 2025
IMASUEN, Osasere Festus PhD
Department of Business Administration and Management, School of Business, Edo State Polytechnic,
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v8-i1-71Google Scholar Download Pdf
The study examined corporate governance mechanism and non performing loans of publicly listed deposit money banks in Nigeria ... Four governance mechanisms were used such as board size, gender diversity, independence and audit committee. This study used quantitative designvia across sectional and expost facto design and secondary data formed the basis of data collection. Sample of twelve (12) deposit money banks with international and national authorization and publicly listed on the floor of the Nigerian Exchang e Group were employed and data obtained were analyzed using descriptive and inferential ( fixed and random effects panel regression model) statistical techniques . The result revealed that corporate governance mechanisms (board size, gender diversity, independence and audit committee) have negative insignificant impacts on non performing loans . It is recommends among others that there should be more gender diversity in the composition of board members because women by nature are more meticulous at work which is ineeded to improve non performing loans.
KEYWORDS:Audit committee Board size; corporate governance Deposit money banks Non performing loans
JEL Classifications:G21; M10; M40
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