Volume 08 Issue 01 January 2025
Retno Susanti
Universitas Slamet Riyadi Surakarta
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v8-i1-72Google Scholar Download Pdf
The advancement of digital technology has significantly altered the societal lifestyle, evident in the shifts in people's behaviors, notably in their purchasing habits for goods and services. Both can now be conducted online, thereby enhancing service efficiency, speed, and security, consequently providing convenience for customers (Ramadhany and Pritasari, 2020). This presents significant potential and opportunities for SMEs to contribute to the development of SMEs by providing information related to business and commercial transactions. This research aims to analyze the support of human resource competencies in utilizing e-commerce towards the performance of culinary SMEs in Solo City (A Survey on Culinary SMEs Engaging in Online Sales). The population of this study consists of SMEs in Solo City engaged in online sales. The sample size was determined using the Leedy Formula, resulting in 96 samples; however, 100 samples were taken. Purposive sampling technique was employed, with sample criteria including SMEs occupying permanent business premises, not street vendors, active restaurants (not closed), and engaged in online sales during the research period. The research data comprise primary data obtained through questionnaires distributed both offline and online via Google Forms. The analysis results indicate that all research instruments are valid and reliable. Classic assumption tests are all met/pass, including multicollinearity, autocorrelation, heteroskedasticity, and normality tests. Data analysis technique employed multiple linear regression analysis, T-test at 5% significance level, model accuracy test, determination coefficient, and moderation effect analysis using MRA. The research findings reveal a significant positive influence of E-Commerce and human resource competence on the performance of culinary SMEs in Solo. The F-test indicates that the model used is appropriate for analyzing the influence of e-commerce and human resource competence in predicting the performance of SMEs. The analysis of the coefficient of determination indicates that the combined influence of the e-commerce and human resource competence variables on SME performance amounts to 58.9%. The moderation analysis (MRA) demonstrates that human resource competence effectively moderates or supports the utilization of e-commerce in enhancing SME performance. The conclusion drawn from this study is that highly competent human resources are essential for enhancing the performance of SMEs engaged in e-commerce sales. This is evidenced by the moderation effect of human resource competence on the utilization of E-commerce for SME performance enhancement.
KEYWORDS:Human Resource Competence, Utilization of E-Commerce, SME Performance
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