Volume 08 Issue 01 January 2025
1Le Bao An, 2Le Quang Dong, 3Luong Thi Huong Lan
1,2,3People’s Security Academy, Hanoi, Vietnam
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v8-i1-76Google Scholar Download Pdf
The culture of savings and anti-wastefulness is one of the precious and cherished traditional values of the Vietnamese people, playing a significant role in the nation-building and development process. Today, Ho Chi Minh's ideology on savings and anti-wastefulness has become a solid foundation for national development policies. Maintaining and promoting a culture of savings associated with anti-wastefulness not only brings economic benefits but also serves as a tremendous and powerful driving force that contributes to the rapid and sustainable development of the nation while improving all aspects of the people's lives. To shed further light on related issues, this article focuses on analyzing and systematizing the content and enduring values of the culture of savings and anti-wastefulness in relation to Vietnam's sustainable development amidst the current context of integration and progress.
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