Volume 08 Issue 01 January 2025
1Dr. Partha Naskar, 2Priyanka Kaushik
1General Manager (Accounts) West Bengal SCSTOBC Development & Finance Corporation Government of West Bengal
2Additional Treasury Officer Bolpur Treasury Government of West Bengal
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v8-i1-80Google Scholar Download Pdf
In the digitalized world encircled with chaos, stress, anarchy, social evils, conflicts, tyranny the ethical message of ‘Dharma (righteousness), Karma (action) and Moksha (liberation)’ echoing equanimity of mind & togetherness is quite imperative for human consciousness and inner commitment. The quest for exploring the inner meaning of human life is deeply embedded within the layers of Indian epics – the core foundation of Indian tradition and value System. The paper unfolds on the glorified ideals of Indian epics, moral implication of boons and Indian tradition, harmonizing Indian tradition with past and present. Th epic depicts the elevated ideals of compassion and after all life is all about managing self in the journey beginning from birth and ending with death. The epicenter of the paper focuses on the revitalizing insights of boons depicted in Ramayana and Mahabharata acting a perennial source of living for the entire mankind. The life-learning doctrines of Indian epics paves as a torchbearer of knowing one’s own self and provides direction towards controlling human mind for individual growth and upliftment. The geminal treasure of Indian epic is equipped with diverse lessons connecting unique aspects of human attributes exploring the pathway of good and evil. Keeping in tune with the epic’s universal message of humanity the paper throws light on the meaningful lessons of sacrifice, humanity, patience and commitment - all life-enrichment doctrines of ancient Indian wisdom. The paper makes a realistic attempt in mirroring timeless truths and morals of blessings and boons as enshrined in Indian epics by following the right direction and paving pathway for holistic progression of Indian tradition and culture.
KEYWORDS:epic, boon, tradition, Ramayana, Mahabharata
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