January 2025

Volume 08 Issue 01 January 2025
Corruption And Power: A Critical Study of Steven Knight’s Peaky Blinders
1Asst. Lect. Murtada Ali Hussein, 2Asst. Lect. Mohammed Sami Hammood
1University of Kufa- College of Education for Women- English Department
2Ministry of Education
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v8-i1-84

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The primary objective of this study is to explore the themes of power and corruption in Steven Knight’s web series Peaky Blinders. Web series and OTT platforms have become integral to contemporary culture, growing significantly in influence over the past few years. Through this literary form, writers like Steven Knight aim to depict the socio-economic and political realities of our time. Thus, this medium plays a crucial role in reflecting contemporary society and cannot be overlooked. Set in the post-war era, Peaky Blinders tells the story of a gang—or mafia family—called the Peaky Blinders. Throughout the series, Knight exposes how deeply corruption permeates the social system, showing how characters like the Peaky Blinders, politicians, and the police exploit corruption for power, status, and personal gain. This theme of corruption is evident in every season of Peaky Blinders. In addition, Knight addresses issues such as drug addiction, the dangers of gun culture in urban settings, crime and violence, police brutality, and the marginalization of women. While located in London, Peaky Blinders also reflects the harsh realities of urban life, portraying the city as a battleground of competing ideologies. Ultimately, the series reveals that city dwellers, despite their struggles, often lose more than they gain, sacrificing family, children, and personal dreams in the relentless pursuit of power.


The Post-War Environment: A Breeding Ground for Corruption, Corruption in Politics, The Role of Law Enforcement, Class and Power: At Price of Corruption, Hero as an Antihero.

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2) Jones, Paul. “Class, Place and History in the Imaginative Landscapes of Peaky Blinders.” Birmingham City University, Vol. 09, Iss. 12, (2017) pp. 165-179.

3) Knight, Steven. Peaky Blinders. Tiger Aspects Productions, 2013 to 2022.

4) Long, Alex. “Modern Company, Postmodern Crisis: Representing Moral Ambiguity and Class Warfare in Peaky Blinders.” Studies in Popular Culture, Vol. 41, no. 02, (2019) pp.45-68.

5) Imdb.com. “Peaky Blinders (TV Series 2013-2022) User Review-IMDB.” Accessed. 10 Oct. 2024. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2442560/reviews/

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Volume 08 Issue 01 January 2025

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