Volume 08 Issue 01 January 2025
Xiuyun, Yang
Emilio Aguinaldo College Manila, Philippines; Qiannan Medical College for Nationalities Guizhou, China.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v8-i1-09Google Scholar Download Pdf
In today's increasingly interconnected world, protecting students' cultural identity is an urgent issue, especially in regions like China with rich linguistic diversity. The Chinese University Language Revitalization Project has become a key initiative aimed at addressing the decline of indigenous languages and cultivating students' cultural pride. This study takes Qiannan Normal University for Nationalities as an example. Qiannan Normal University is a key university located in a multicultural area, and this project plays a crucial role in protecting the cultural identity of its diverse student population. However, the effectiveness of these measures in enhancing students' cultural identity and sense of belonging still needs to be explored, especially from the perspective of students themselves. This study addresses the significant issue of cultural identity erosion among higher education students, emphasizing the importance of language as a carrier of cultural expression and continuity. The decline of minority languages in academic environments not only threatens linguistic diversity, but also affects students' connection to their heritage and community consciousness. Understanding how language revitalization projects promote cultural identity protection is crucial for developing effective educational strategies that promote cultural sustainability. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the contribution of the Chinese Language Revitalization Project at Qiannan Normal University for Nationalities, with a focus on its impact on students' cultural identity, motivational factors driving participation, and challenges faced during implementation. Through qualitative research methods, this study aims to gather in-depth insights from students and educators to elucidate the subtle ways in which language revitalization initiatives shape cultural identity and community relationships. This study is not only necessary to fill the existing literature gap on language revitalization and cultural identity, but also to enable policy makers and educators to understand the significance of these projects in higher education. By comprehensively understanding the role of the Language Revitalization Project at Qiannan Normal University, this study aims to provide practical recommendations to improve the effectiveness of similar initiatives across China and contribute to broader discussions on cultural protection in the context of globalization.
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