Volume 08 Issue 02 February 2025
1Ms Margaret Njeri Ngugi, 2Mr Jasper Edward Nyaura
1Alupe University, Busia, Kenya P.O Box 845-50400
2Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya P.O Box 3900-30100
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v8-i2-27Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study provides an understanding of stress and how it is associated with mental health which often affects lecturers in the Universities. Globally, mental health is recognized as an issue of interest because it cuts across all gender, ages, races, social class among others. People with mental health conditions ranging from depression, anxiety and mood disorders face stigmatization and discrimination in the educational institutions, health care and employment. Studies have shown that people believe mental health issues have been caused by punishment from God, black magic, sin inherited from parents among others which often leads to shame, guilt and concealing the mental health issue further exacerbating the problem. This study therefore provides an understanding of how the mental health affects lecturers and how it interferes with their productivity at the work place. The study is qualitative in nature and 20 respondents who were based in Universities in Eldoret Town were Interviewed. The methods of sampling used were purposive and snowball sampling. The study was analyzed by use of narratives and the emerging themes were family problems, extra workload, unconducive working environment, financial constraints and delayed promotions. The results obtained will add to theoretical knowledge and may help in policy formulation of mental health.
KEYWORDS:lecturers, mental health, working environment, stigma
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