February 2025

Volume 08 Issue 02 February 2025
Workplace Hazard and Oil Companies’ Performance in Nigeria: The Role of Office and Information Management
JAKPA, Grace Ufuoma
Department of Office and Information Management, Faculty of Administration and Management, Delta State University of Science and Technology
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v8-i2-46

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This study evaluated the relationship between workplace hazards and performance of oil and gas companies’ performance by envisaging the role office and information management plays in decreasing workplace hazards in Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, Abuja. To do this, a survey was given to Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation employees to learn about their perspectives on the workplace hazards associated with field employment. Descriptive (percentages, frequency count, mean and standard deviation) and inferential (simple regression) statistical techniques were used to evaluate the data from the field survey, which involved 45 respondents who worked for the company. The results showed that employees' job performance was negatively impacted by adequate awareness, ignorance, and the use of technology in preventing occupational health hazards. This could be explained by the gaps in innovative activities, information role and service delivery models that must be created to reduce the workplace hazards faced by oil field workers. Based on the results, it was suggested that in order to enhance employee job performance, workplace hazards and safety management systems should be an essential component of oil and gas companies' production processes rather than being tampered with by management and employees. Also, office and information management practices in the oil and gas industry should be given priority.


Workplace hazards; Employee performance; Office information management; Oil and gas

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Volume 08 Issue 02 February 2025

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