February 2025

Volume 08 Issue 02 February 2025
Learning Barriers of the Grade 10 Students and Its Correlation to Their Conceptual Understanding in Mathematics
1Sittie Royalizah A. Abdullah, 2Jonaima G. Benasing, 3Ruben Leo D. Alabat
1,2,3Mindanao State University-University Training Center
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v8-i2-49

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The study aimed at determining the learning barriers and its correlation to the conceptual understanding in mathematics of the 133 selected Grade10 students of the Mindanao State University – University Training Center. The research utilized a researcher-made questionnaire for conceptual understanding which underwent face and content validity with Cronbach alpha of 0.85. Also, an adapted questionnaire was used to measure the learning barriers of the students. Finding showed that from 133 students, 28.6% are male and 71.4% are female with majority, 75.9%, were in the age group between 16 – 17 years old, Meranao in ethnicity and 33.1% has a monthly family income ranging from 16,000 to 20,000. The level of the student’s mathematics competency in arithmetic, algebra and mathematics is not mastered. Conceptual understanding level of the students were in approaching proficiency level. The analysis of data revealed that peer pressure contributes significantly to the learning barriers of the students. However, academic demands and financial and family problems remain undecided. Furthermore, peer pressure, financial and family problems and academic demands associate negatively to the conceptual understanding and grades of the students. Also, learning barriers of the students differs significantly across sex.


Academic demands, conceptual understanding, financial and family problems, learning barriers and peer pressure.

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Volume 08 Issue 02 February 2025

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