Volume 08 Issue 02 February 2025
Sittie Royalizah A. Abdullah
Mindanao State University - University Training Center Marawi City, Lanao Del Sur, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v8-i2-50Google Scholar Download Pdf
The study aimed at determining the perception on the use of Meranao language instruction on the conceptual understanding of a 133 selected grade 7 students of the Mindanao State University-University Training Center. The researcher utilized a self-made questionnaire for conceptual understanding and an adapted and modified questionnaire for the perception on the use of Meranao language. The result showed that from 133 students, 28.6% are male and 71.4% are female with majority, 77.4%, were in the age group between 12 – 13 years old and 99.2% are Meranao in ethnicity. Conceptual understanding level of the students were in approaching proficiency level. During the survey, the perception of the students towards the use of Meranao language instruction remain undecided. Also, there exist a significant relationship between the students conceptual understanding and their perception towards the use of the Meranao language instruction.
KEYWORDS:Conceptual understanding, first language, Meranao, language barriers.
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