February 2025

Volume 08 Issue 02 February 2025
Socioeducational Observations In, Motivation Strategy to Achieve Pupil Participation in English Class in Secondary Education for Synergy
1Dr. Claudio-Rafael Vasquez-Martinez, 2Dra. Imelda Molina-Lona, 3Dr. Felipe Gonzalez-Gonzalez, 4Dr. Francisco Flores-Cuevas
1University of Guadalajara. Av. Universidad 203. Zip Code 48280, Puerto Vallarta. Mexico
2Secundaria Aguascalientes
3Autonomous University of Tamaulipas
4University of Guadalajara
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v8-i2-51

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Socioeducational observations in motivation is a fundamental basis for learning a second language, ensuring that secondary school students are willing to learn when spoken to in a language they do not know, is the challenge that is sought to be achieved with the strategy presented in this document; the strategy entitled "The best of the best" is made up of a series of activities that involve motivation through group competition, use of the Pygmalion Effect to promote values and self-esteem in students, management of their goals, playful and self-reflective activities; this with the final purpose of achieving in students the willingness to actively participate in the classes of a second language in secondary education.


Socioeducational, motivation, observations, willingness to attend classes, Pygmalion effect, learning.

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Volume 08 Issue 02 February 2025

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