February 2025

Volume 08 Issue 02 February 2025
The Alignment/Linkage of Students’ Academic Competence Experienced inSecondary Schools and Universities. A Case Study of Competence-BasedCurriculum Implementation in Tanzania
1Hassan Khalfan Hamidu, 2Ishemo Rwegasha Peter
1,2Department of Education Foundations & Department of Curriculum and Instruction – Sokoine University of Agriculture, P.O.BOX 3038, MOROGORO, TANZANIA
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v8-i2-58

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Many developing countries have been working hard towards achieving quality education. This endeavour provides a high-quality combination of curriculum, assessment, and training that makes graduates capable of being socially effective and economically productive. The education systems have been implementing the Competence-based curriculum to improve the teaching, learning and competence of the students. The greater attention has focused on the ability of students to carry out and demonstrate the competence they have acquired from the educational institutions. Implementing the Competence-based curriculum in Tanzanian secondary schools has not been impressive. The execution encounters various challenges that have been affecting teachers, students and the system of education. This paper explores the alignment/linkage of competence experienced in secondary schools and universities. The purpose is to explore whether the competence acquired in secondary schools enables students to link to the anticipated competence at the universities. The study found that students and teachers lack an understanding of the Competence-based curriculum. Due to the lack of clear understanding then educational practices are conducted inappropriately according to the Competence Based Curriculum. Often competencies presented in the educational documents remains fully unrealized in the secondary schools despite the plethora of educators providing some strategies for improving the acquisition of secondary school competence. It is suggested that the quality of education needs to be improved and the education system produces graduates with appropriate knowledge, skills and competence. The foregoing will make graduates acceptable and recognized nationally, regionally and internationally.

disparity, criminal, court decisions, sentencing theories, the purpose of punishment

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Volume 08 Issue 02 February 2025

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