Volume 08 Issue 02 February 2025
Donald L. Buresh, Ph.D., Esq.
1,2Touro University Worldwide
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v8-i2-59Google Scholar Download Pdf
This paper is divided into four major sections. The first section deals with total quality management (TQM). The second section is concerned with just-in-time (JIT) systems. The third section considers computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM). Finally, the fourth section addresses continuous improvement (CI). After defining TQM, the first section outlines its basic principles, followed by a short discussion of Deming’s 14 Points. The section then discusses several TQM issues. The second section talks about JIT. JIT is defined, and then its elements are highlighted, ranging from flexible resources to supplier networks. The advantages and disadvantages of JIT are also summarized. The third section depicts CIM. It too is defined, followed by an examination of its basic functions. The fourth section discusses CI, where it is defined and its purpose is described. Shiba’s WV Model is then presented as an example of continuous improvement. The paper concludes by stating that the four topics are related to each other, and by appreciating their interconnections, one can gain a better understanding of how they fit together.
KEYWORDS:Computer-Integrated Manufacturing •Continuous Improvement •Deming’s 14 Points •Just-In-Time •Lean Manufacturing •Total Quality Management • WV Model
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