February 2025

Volume 08 Issue 02 February 2025
Elearning – A Solution for Training Program Development in the Context of Digital Transformation at the Faculty of Language and Literature College Of Education - Thai Nguyen University
Associate Professor, Dr. Duong Thu Hang
Faculty of Literature, College of Education, Thai Nguyen University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v8-i2-60

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Developing training programs is a mandatory activity of contemporary significance. In recent years, especially during the Covid 19 period, online teaching has been an effective solution for the global education system, including Vietnam. This article focuses on researching and evaluating the development of the Bachelor of Literature Pedagogy training program at the University of Education, Thai Nguyen University. The results show that in the process of developing the program, online teaching is a useful solution suitable for the context of ongoing digital transformation. The successes and limitations of online teaching in particular, and the program development process in general, are analyzed, and will be barriers that need to be removed so that the Faculty of Literature, Thai Nguyen University of Education, can continue to affirm its capacity and position in the current educational innovation journey.


Elearning, training program development, digital transformation, Faculty of Language and Literature, College of Education - Thai Nguyen University

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Volume 08 Issue 02 February 2025

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