February 2025

Volume 08 Issue 02 February 2025
Teacher Competency Development in Improving the Performance of Islamic Religious Education Teachers in Madrasah
1Dede Pu'ad, 2Supiana, 3Bambang Samsul Arifin, 4Cecep Anwar
1STAI Al Musaddadiyah Garut, Indonesia
2,3,4UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, Bandung Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v8-i2-62

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This study aims to analyze the enhancement of competencies among teachers of Islamic Education (PAI) in Kabupaten Garut, focusing on the effects of professional development interventions before and after the implementation of the Teacher Professional Allowance (TPG). The methods used include observations and interviews with key stakeholders such as school principals, supervisors, and education officials. The study investigates the initial competencies of teachers, revealing variability in knowledge, conventional teaching skills, and professionalism, often influenced by their educational background and lack of clear incentives or structured training. The professional development interventions involved a structured and systematic approach, including training and workshops on various aspects such as curriculum depth, innovative teaching methods, character development, and classroom management. Experiential learning workshops were introduced to allow teachers to practice and reflect on new teaching methods. Continuous mentoring and guidance provided additional support to teachers, fostering both their professional and personal growth. The results indicate significant improvements in teachers' competencies, motivation, and performance post-TPG implementation, aided by comprehensive training and mentoring. The evaluation process, incorporating 360-degree feedback, highlighted areas for further development and ensured continuous support through targeted training and mentoring programs. This structured approach demonstrates a commitment to enhancing the quality of Islamic Education and shaping well-rounded, knowledgeable educators.


Teacher Competency, Professional Development, Islamic Education, Experiential Learning

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Volume 08 Issue 02 February 2025

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