March 2025

Volume 08 Issue 03 March 2025
Juridical Analysis of Electronic Certificates as Proof of Land Ownership
1Ni Gusti Agung Tri Meilany Adhyaksa Atmaja, 2I Ketut Kasta Arya Wijaya, 3Putu Ayu Sriasih Wesna
1,2,3Warmadewa University Faculty of Law

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In the current modern era, the government is showing the establishment of electronic certificate regulations to create services that make it easier for the community. Electronic certificates offer a more secure and efficient system, allowing landowners to access ownership information digitally. Regulation of the Minister of ATR/BPN Number 1 of 2021 concerning Electronic Certificates is present as an innovative solution to these problems. With the existence of the electronic-based land certificate regulation, the public is asked to be able to abandon the old habit of using analog certificates by switching to digital certificates. The formulation of the problem in this study is: How to Regulate Electronic Certificates as Evidence of Land Rights Ownership.The research method used is a normative research type with a type of legislative approach and a conceptual approach. With the results obtained from this study, namely, this electronic certificate is recognized as legally valid Based on the Regulation of the Minister of ATR/BPN Number 1 of 2021, the public can convert physical or analog land certificates into electronic certificates through clear and structured procedures. Electronic certificates are expected to be effective in national land management which can minimize the duplication of certificates, forgery and illegal land transactions by the land mafia and also reduce the risk of burning, rain and theft of physical documents.


Electronic Certificates, Land, Property Rights, Land Rights, Electronic Systems.

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Volume 08 Issue 03 March 2025

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