March 2025

Volume 08 Issue 03 March 2025
Analysis of Needs for Project-Based Interactive Media Development in English for Specific Purpose (ESP) for Students' Speaking Ability
1Juita Elvia, 2Evrialiani Rosba, 3LilI Perpisa
1,2,3PGRI University of West Sumatra, Padang, Indonesia

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Speaking ability in English is an essential skill for Maritime Vocational High School students to face challenges in the global maritime industry. English for Specific Purposes (ESP) learning that is designed contextually and based on vocational needs is one solution to improve this competence. This study aims to analyze the initial needs for the development of interactive media based on projects on ESP for the speaking skills of Maritime Vocational High School students. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach . The data collection instruments for this study are in the form of teacher and student needs analysis questionnaires, and the average value of speaking skills. The results of the study indicate that teachers still rely on textbooks, with the use of technology-based interactive media that is still limited. Teachers have the initiative to develop teaching materials, but they are still simple and not optimal. Meanwhile, the results of the study of students ' speaking skills are relatively low, showing that the average value with a percentage of achievement is 52.53%. 80% of students feel that the learning media that teachers have used so far is not interesting as a medium and source of learning English for nautical. 89.4 % of students like other learning media such as interactive videos or digital platforms. 96 % of students are interested in learning with project-based interactive media. Thus , it is necessary to develop interactive media or digital platforms project-based. A more effective and applicable ESP learning strategy in accordance with the demands of the world of work.


Interactive Media, ESP, Project-based, Vocational High School Students, Teachers

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Volume 08 Issue 03 March 2025

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