Volume 08 Issue 03 March 2025
M.M. Enamul Aziz, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Bangladesh University, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v8-i3-22Google Scholar Download Pdf
Child labor remains a critical issue in Bangladesh, where millions of children are deprived of their basic rights to education, safety, and a childhood free from exploitation. This paper aims to comprehensively examine the causes, consequences, and potential solutions to child labor in Bangladesh, with a particular focus on its socioeconomic impact. The primary objectives of this research are to identify the underlying factors contributing to child labor, analyze its effects on the lives of children, and propose actionable policy interventions to address the issue. This study adopts a qualitative research approach using secondary data analysis to examine the issue of child labour in Bangladesh. Data is collected from a variety of sources, including government reports, international organizations, academic articles, media reports, and NGO publications. A qualitative content analysis method is then used to identify key themes, conduct comparative analysis with global case studies, and evaluate policy effectiveness. The findings demonstrated culturally relevant socioeconomic effects of child labour measuring the physical & mental health impact to this group of child labourers as well as providing limited human capital ensuring they remain in a dark wheel of never being able to better their situation, rarely having the opportunity to attend any school and existing in a perpetual process of poverty. Child labor also contributes to the economic problem of the wider nation, including inequality and economic inefficiency. Thus, it is concluded that to break the history of child labor in Bangladesh we need a multidimensional remedy starting with tighter enforcement of laws, better access to education and interdisciplinary poverty mitigation programs which should be taken place along with the International agencies and Organizations driving the need to protect the political economy of child labor.
KEYWORDS:Child Labour, In-depth Study, Socioeconomic Impact, Bangladesh.
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