Volume 07 Issue 06 June 2024
Emily L. Santos
Faculty of the Graduate School
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i06-96Google Scholar Download Pdf
The trend after Technology skill is a novel idea in school skill that entails school leaders, teachers, and administrators developing and maintaining support for the efficient use of information and communication technology (ICT) in teaching and learning. Working with teachers and assisting them to improve educational processes is an essential notion in educational management. It also entails harnessing teachers' abilities and potentials and adapting them to achieve educational goals, resulting in enhanced teaching and learning. Skill is thus of major significance to learning and, as such, is required for better levels of school accomplishment. But the big argument is, Are the technological skills of teachers reflective of the learner’s motivation to learn? Does it radiate to their interest to learn? Hence, this study. In the digital age, rapid advancement in technology influence education inherently. This study will determine the technology skills of teachers and whether it can predict the learner’s motivation from the selected elementary schools in Paranaque City. To achieve this, the research will use quantitative research technique by adopting the descriptive-comparative-correlational method to describe the variables of the status of technological skills in the institution and the learning motivation of the pupils when taught and managed using this form of skill. Meanwhile, the correlation part will be employed by determining the relationship between technological skills of their teachers and learning motivation.
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