August 2024

Volume 07 Issue 08 August 2024
Creating a Museum Suitcase for the Enhancement of the Educational Play of Early Childhood Children by Secondary Technical Education Students in Greece
1Dr. Maria Stamatoglou, 2Andriani Pantzi
1Technical Education Teacher of Preschool Education, Directorate of Secondary Education of Eastern Thessaloniki & Adjunct Lecturer International Hellenic University, Department of Early Childhood Care and Education, 57400, Thessaloniki, Greece.
2Technical Education Teacher of Preschool Education, Directorate of Secondary Education of Eastern Thessaloniki

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On the occasion of the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the Greek Revolution of 1821, a targeted educational program for the awareness and preparation of adult students of secondary vocational education for the museum education of early childhood children was carried out during the school year 2022-2023. The aim of the action was, within the framework of the subject Creative Occupation in Early Childhood II, the specialization of Nursery Assistants, to enrich the knowledge and enhance the skills of adult students of vocational high school in museum education through the creation of a museum valley. The objectives of the project were for the students to approach the events of the 1821 revolution historically and critically, to get in touch with art by getting to know great painters and works of art, to learn how to organize a museum visit and to understand the limitations and ways of implementing an effective museum visit. In particular, the aim of creating the museum cavalcade was for students to use it pedagogically appropriately as a source of stimuli for play and learning through art in early childhood children. Finally, the present educational programme was carried out taking into account on the one hand the role of play in the learning of early childhood children and on the other hand the role of visual arts through which experiences, ideas and emotions are expressed, while at the same time the senses, memory and perception are activated (YPEPTH-PI, 2010).


museum suitcase, play, early childhood children, nursery assistants

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Volume 07 Issue 08 August 2024

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