Volume 07 Issue 12 December 2024
1Novi Andesta, 2Renny Risdawat, 3Dasrizal, 4Erna Juita, 5Soni
1,2,3,4,5Program Studi Studi Lingkungan Fakultas Pasca Sarjana Universitas PGRI Sumatera Barat
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i12-94Google Scholar Download Pdf
The Mandeh region is one of the favorite tourist destinations in West Sumatra, rich in natural and cultural resources but vulnerable to environmental degradation caused by pollution, overexploitation, and climate change. Government policies through environmental laws have been implemented to address these issues, but their impact on society, particularly on natural resources, is complex, as evidenced by the damage to coral reefs. To prevent the destruction of coral reefs as a valuable natural resource, it is necessary to implement conservation through an adaptive governance system via multi-stakeholder partnerships in the Mandeh Island area. This research employs a qualitative approach using phenomenological methods, including interviews, participatory observations, and policy document analysis. The results show that partnerships between the government and businesses began with the provision of tourism infrastructure, which expanded into broader partnerships with NGOs and communities in turtle conservation. Collaborative governance has taken the form of community-based coastal resource management on Serangan Island. Meanwhile, adaptive joint management has been developed by delegating part of the responsibility for turtle conservation and utilization to local communities through various agreements and MoUs. The study also reveals that the adaptive capacity of Serangan Island’s community has progressed towards resilience against environmental and socio-economic changes. Two recommendations are proposed for natural resource managers in Serangan Island. First, a robust data collection and monitoring system needs to be developed for the governance of turtles, coral reefs, and marine biota. Second, social learning through dialogue, reflection, and evaluation should be implemented to reassess outdated governance practices.
KEYWORDS:conservation, natural resources, adaptive, Mandeh
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